
tamoadmin 成语谚语 2024-06-12 0
  1. 曲动人心是成语吗?
  2. 动什么心什么

精巧的英文:elaborate 。




Chlorophyll, although?exquisitely evolved to capture the energy of sunlight, can sometimes be overwhelmed by it, especially in situations of drought, low temperatures, or nutrient deficiency。


Others are more elaborate, with long stepped passages leading to the water via several storeys。


The tailor delicately plied his needle。


The animal kingdom is full of fine and glorious creatures。


It's a thrilling movie even though it lacks su***lety。


People once remembered detective, will be remembered from Locke holmes. Now, he is the greatest detectives in our hearts, and will go for visitors to see his apartment Baker Street and see about his story.

Holmes detect.it wanted story is a story that had case of agent Sherlock Holmes process and results of the book. More than 100 years, holmes image is always make readers admire even fallen heroes. He XiongWan criminals, cunning and struggle for the enemy, social justice. Therefore, holmes had become ton of heart. The breathtaking scene in the book, vivid stories, people of suspense attracts me.

This book is a famous British detective conan Doyle, novelist. Conan Doyle, from the university of Edinburgh, a study on the teacher's ability to get ideas, created this character. Holmes

Conan Doyle's quick thinking, imagine of so many legends, hang with meticulous, exquisite, the style of the book, depicted in the figure, and his many luxuriant style more show in describing Sherlock Holmes.

Conan Doyle, the creation of Sherlock Holmes, wearing black image lifelike hat, a bushy beard, holding a pipe, considering the problem is always a ***oke, can absorb grand! But when he saw the ***oke, I just want to say to the ***oking is harmful to the body.

Plot twists bizarre, detect, ***ooth, exciting, It can not only enjoy the Sherlock Holmes justice, wit and br***e, still can master the knowledge reasoning detect.it wanted.

Sherlock Holmes was a full of wisdom, his face case detective clouds and complicated, but in logical reasoning, careful observation and serious thinking and ultimately falls out.

I read this book has great inspiration. It is to do something serious thinking, careful observation, no longer carelessness.



曲动人心 不是成语,含 动人心 的成语只有3个:


拼音: dòng rén xīn pí

解释: 形容使人感动与震惊。

出处: 郑振铎《插图本中国文学史·先秦的散文》:“他们的长处,在于能够度察天下的大势而出之以引人入胜的妙喻好句,出之以动人心脾的危辞险语。”

拼音代码: drxp


用法: 作谓语、定语;形容使人感动与震惊

英文: touch the right chord


拼音: dòng rén xīn pò

解释: 魄:迷信者指依附人形体而存在的精神。形容使人感动或令人震惊。

出处: 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第24回:“那秦淮到了有月色的时候,越是夜色已深,更有那细吹细唱的船来,凄清委婉,动人心魄。”

举例造句: 那振激精神,动人心魄的事情,必然是愈演愈急,愈来愈速。 ★洪深《戏剧导演的初步知识》

拼音代码: drxp

近义词: 令人震惊、动人心脾

用法: 作谓语、定语;形容使人感动与震惊


拼音: dòng rén xīn xián

解释: 把心比作琴,拨动了心中的琴弦。形容事物激动人心。

出处: 徐 迟《长 江 大 桥 的 美 是 社 会 主 义 的 美》:“许多动人心弦的建筑物呢?还只在蓝图上。”

举例造句: 这些动人心弦的赠礼,使得另一些战士们难熬了。 ★魏巍《依依惜别的深情》

拼音代码: drxx



用法: 作补语、定语;同“扣人心弦”

英文: move somebody's heart


拼音: dòng rén xīn pò

解释: 魄:迷信者指依附人形体而存在的精神。形容使人感动或令人震惊。

出处: 清 · 吴 敬 梓《儒 林 外 史》第24回:“那秦淮到了有月色的时候,越是夜色已深,更有那细吹细唱的船来,凄清委婉,动人心魄。”

举例造句: 那振激精神,动人心魄的事情,必然是愈演愈急,愈来愈速。 ★ 洪 深《戏 剧 导 演 的 初 步 知 识》

拼音代码: drxp

近义词: 令人震惊、动人心脾

用法: 作谓语、定语;形容使人感动与震惊


拼音: dòng rén xīn xián

解释: 把心比作琴,拨动了心中的琴弦。形容事物激动人心。

出处: 徐 迟《长 江 大 桥 的 美 是 社 会 主 义 的 美》:“许多动人心弦的建筑物呢?还只在蓝图上。”

举例造句: 这些动人心弦的赠礼,使得另一些战士们难熬了。 ★ 魏 巍《依 依 惜 别 的 深 情》

拼音代码: drxx



用法: 作补语、定语;同“扣人心弦”

英文: move somebody's heart